So here's a thing I've noticed with both physical and psychological/mental ailments:

A lot of people won't believe that you're struggling...until they hit a point where they switch gears from "nothing's wrong with you" all the way to "you should be IN THE HOSPITAL"
Because, to them, if you're suffering that much--if you're STRUGGLING that much, doctors are supposed to step in and Fix It.

I think this comes from an inherent lack of understanding about the concept of chronic illness.
To them, if they're ever THAT UNWELL, they will demand a doctor fix it.

And, generally, if they have no chronic conditions....a doctor probably can. Or can at least give them a Big Serious Respectable Diagnosis that explains things.
But...a lot of chronic conditions don't have cures (or at least none that we know of yet). They They have strategies for how to survive with them.

And you have to accept things like limitations. Bad days. Okay days. Good days that still aren't quite...there.
And to the people who don't believe you and then think you need to DEMAND A CURE...they don't get that. They don't comprehend that some illnesses are forever now. That you just have to learn to live with it.

They're freaked out by that idea.

And like. Me too buddy.
I think this is also why they tend to think they can recommend or something.

Because it's easier for them to assume you haven't done everything to fix it than to wrap their mind around the fact that there are things out there we can't fix.
I'm not going anywhere in particular with this, I was just thinking about this the other day. About how people who don't live with chronic conditions/disorders fundamentally don't GET IT. They CAN'T. They've never been SICK like this.

So they assume you're lying or exaggerating.
And it just sucks because that means that those of us with chronic illness or neurodivergence or mental health issues (OR ALL OF THEM) not only have to deal with whatever crap we have to deal with...we also have to constantly try to justify ourselves and our limitations.
To people who aren't even trying to meet us half-way. Who don't even care that we're struggling. Who think our severe health issues are a moral failing.

Who think they're better than us when they haven't fought half the battles we've fought.

Idk. Just frustrating.
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