Good evening. So I have a couple things to address about biphobia, and a couple misconceptions about bisexuality. Feel free to retweet or send this thread to any raging biphobes. These were inspired by [ pictures ].
First things first, biphobia is not the same thing as homophobia. Biphobia is specific to prejudice against bisexuals. While the LGBT+ community cannot be homophobic unless they're dealing with internalised homophobia, anyone can be biphobic, yes even lesbians or gays
Second, no we are not half hetero. We cannot be 'half' anything since bisexuality is fluid. It has never been a transphobic identity. We love regardless of gender and it has been defined this way in history for a long time. To call us half hetero is not only wrong but erasure.
Third, many people assume that we are not oppressed or 'less oppressed' than anyone else in the LGBT+ community. That is completely wrong (check stats below). I promise you we are not the opressers just because we like men.
I think I'm finished for now but I'll add on anything else later that comes to mind. If you have any problems or questions please don't be afraid to dm us. @aertishipper Please read through this thread and I hope you stop being so ignorant.
Also I won't speak on the slur discourse that was happening in those pictures because a slur is not the defining point of oppression. Having a slur does not place you higher on the oppression pyramid. There are more important things to combat in our community than slurs.  Heres an informational card!! please read through this thank you
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