NBA Players are protesting the Jacob Blake shooting. On the surface this appears admirable. However, these guys have enough money to run their own candidates in ANY district they feel condone things they stand against. Symbolism is for the powerless or unscrupulous.
When you have the resources these people have you can impact change. This just looks like cheap publicity stunts. Since they all obviously wanna be political why not do it the right way. Form a Super Pac, run your ads, thwart the opposition and bolster your candidate.
I don't have a fraction of the money these people have but I'm already doing the very things I'm proposing. These people are either not very bright or disingenuous. LeBron is the most appalling of them all. He's the leader of the pack... of jack asses.
I say to hell with professional sports. Most of them are broke within 5yrs of retirement, if not sooner. The "opportunity" everyone talks about is squandered anyway so it's really no loss. Exotic car dealerships will miss them. I won't.
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