1/ Hot take - celebs starting Onlyfans is a problem.
Bella Thorn is a celeb. She did an “experiment”, went from millionaire to millionaire, and and has an unrealistic view of what OF (and general life) is like.
Celebs making bank on sfw “bts” stuff is problematic.
Why? (Cont)
2/ ..because sex workers have very limited avenues to work. My job is perfectly legal, incredibly vanilla, but it’s near impossible to find a place I can post.
OF made 400k overnight on Thorn. Lord knows how much on CardiB.
Why bother with nsfw models when there is celeb draw?
3/ .. we have seen this happen again and again. Patreon most notably.
Sex workers join a site, build it up, and as soon as it has traffic and draw, they are pushed out. Shadowbanned and quietly dropped. We have to keep jumping ship from site to site.
4/ and do they really need this? Do they need a $20 membership site? Don’t they already have more money than most of us could ever even fathom?
Meanwhile, there are so many of us out here who are struggling to get by. Sex work is one of the only avenues viable in these Covid days
5/ OF Is already a super saturated market with all of these new people trying to get by during the pandemic.
I just feel like we are all going to end up getting fucked over so a millionaire can have more millions.
6/ and what’s more, none of them are even validating the sex work aspect on this site. All the celebs are using one of the only safe haven’s we have but throwing down a “oh no, no nudes from me”.
They could change the way so many people think about it if they just backed it.
7/ and please don’t say, “why don’t you make your own site?”. It takes so much money, so much backing to do. Dudes do chargebacks constantly, so banks don’t want to deal w it.
that’s an experiment Bella Thorne SHOULD do, instead of just seeing if yes, she can make more money.
8/ telling a sex worker to “just make your own site” it’s like telling a chef to just open his own restaurant, an artist just open their own gallery, a musician to buy a stadium... except we have the damaging fosta/sesta against us as well.
9/ I don’t usually rant like this but I’m so exhausted. I’m so tired of constantly building up an audience, posting content, engaging, talking to people… Doing everything right, and legal and safe... but being pushed off, against and again.
10/ Bella Thorn and her “experiment” spit in the face of every sex worker who is working their beautiful asses off. CardiB does not need an OnlyFans.
If it’s about “connecting w fans”, make it free.
Millionaire celebrities made more millions. The wage gap widens. How thrilling.
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