While Kyle Rittenhouse is just a kid, and a kid with brass balls at that, we need to be dispassionate and recognize what the system has now made him into: a political football. Given this reality, should we make his cause our own? I say no.
The #NJP is pressuring conservatives to do the right thing, which is to back Rittenhouse. However, if conservatives succeed in getting him exonerated, it will be seen as a win for the system, for Trump, for the GOP and conservatism, and therefore a loss for the #NJP.
Upon being released Kyle Rittenhouse would very likely make a nauseating political statement, written for him by some GOP mouthpiece, saying how America needs to unite against racism and identity politics, and he will condemn radical anarchists and white nationalists alike.
On the other hand, if the GOP fail to save Rittenhouse, and the system were to railroad him through a kangaroo court, as it did James Fields, Rittenhouse's martyrdom would further delegitimize the GOP, American liberalism, and the incarceration of our own political prisoners.
While there is a tactical case to be made that the more we champion Rittenhouse, the more we actually pressure the system to bury him, IMO this Anglin-esque method of projecting Naziism onto anyone who offends the establishment only undermines the seriousness of our struggle.
We must overcome this degenerate, populist, “pro-white” dialectic which makes us nothing more than the bailey to conservatism's motte and demand standards of both ourselves and the general public. I categorically refuse to beg the GOP to do the right thing, and so should you.
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