It’s interesting... couple friends have been doxed by a vicious troll who is freely spewing racial insults, drawing reports from multiple folks, and @TwitterSafety and @jack do... squat.
Compounding the issue: this isn’t the first time in the past month I’ve seen this happen, and yet the trolls are allowed their aggression for weeks before they’re even temporarily suspended.
Which is interesting because @jack likes to try and frame Facebook as a garbage-fire that deliberately provokes strife for money, but based on @TwitterSafety’s habitual lack of action, I have to wonder if the same rules apply to Twitter, internally.
After all, conflict equals engagement equals revenue, especially in cash-strapped times.
Follow up to this thread... it's been *days* and the troll is still there, all kinds of racist attacks still visible on his timeline. To say that @TwitterSafety is failing at its job is an incredible understatement; this case isn't remotely subtle.
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