Welcome to the party @Logancouture ... I’ve already told @BizNasty2point0 & @binnnasty . Both parties on the Left-Right Wing spectrum are controlled by Jooze. You’re letting them play you & deceive you.
@BizNasty2point0 @binnnasty @Logancouture

Trump is a crypto Joo. Trump hates America. He only cares about that one Joo nation in the Middle East. The masters of deception fooled all the MAGA supporters & got Trumptards to unknowingly support the Jooze.
@BizNasty2point0 @binnnasty @Logancouture

Jooze control the banking system, the education system, the justice system & all major corporations & media companies. Jooze steal & collect your income taxes. Taxes & student loans are sources of profit for the Jooze.
@BizNasty2point0 @binnnasty @Logancouture

Jooze restrict the flow of fresh air to make us gradually suffer. Jooze poison our foods so we get diabetes & cancer. Jooze banned cannabis, a natural cure of diseases... so they can sell chemical medicines to make huge profits.
@BizNasty2point0 @binnnasty @Logancouture

Jooze conquered the world by deceiving people. They control the world through capitalism. It’s the most evil system created. Jooze plunge nations into war so they can profit off the destruction, weapon sales & then the reconstruction.
@BizNasty2point0 @binnnasty @Logancouture

After reading this thread, how do you feel about white people fighting & dying to protect the profits of the Jooze. What did the Jooze give the White Christians in return. They gave them nothing. Yet you people keep supporting them.
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