Yes, I can comment on it. I have zero interest in writing characters who always say the right thing, who never offend anyone, who always make the right decision and never misstep among the way. Much like actual real life human beings, people say the wrong thing sometimes. They...
...shorthand their speech in a way that they may not realize hurts somebody else. These legends are BARELY friends with each other. We’re in year two of the story and they’re just now starting to tolerate each other, never mind like each other. And I don’t think for one second...
...that at that stage of her character development Bangalore gives a rat’s ass if she’s ableist or not. The goal...the hope...the fondest wish for these misfits and rapscallions is that they figure it out. They learn peace and not war. They learn tolerance and not...
...bitterness. They learn love and not fear. That’s the journey they’re on and the journey they’ll continue to be on, and I have no desire as a writer to start the story at the end of their journey. We’re in a blood sport where every event means you might not walk out...
....alive. The soldier who may never see her family again and watched her brother sacrifice himself to save her, stranding her on a planet where she’s hated for her uniform isn’t stopping to wonder if she’s being ableist in conversation. Hopefully... day, she’ll be in a place in her life where she does stop and think about that. Hopefully exposure to these characters changes her. That’s the hope for her, that’s the hope for players playing the game. As much as fandom doesn’t want to admit it, these are....
...deeply flawed characters. They will not act in the perfect wholesome way all the time. (Except Pathfinder, bless his heart.) They will screw up. They will struggle. They will fight to come out the other side...and the hope is they’re all the better for it. That’s...
...the point of storytelling. They’re messy. They’re broken. But their hearts are in the right place. They’re human. Like me. Like you. They’ll get there. Give them time. The story’s just begun.
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