gonna tell you guys smth... a secret
something I never told anyone before
remember that time when in comrades you play as an avatar and then you randomly bump into bros

I'm gonna tell you that this exact moment when it happened split my life in two, my life became "before ffxv" and "after ffxv" in that precise moment I bumped into Prompto there
it's hard to describe the feeling, but because the first time you play comrades you don't know what's going on, and you get so involved into it that you forget the existence of the bros for a bit. you play with the avatara, with random people and AI, meeting side characters
but you're still kinda in that world, but not as a part of the retinue, but rather... you get to see what the world of ffxv is really like from the eyes of a stranger, a commoner, and you get to see the world of ffxv at its darkest there in WoR Lestallum
you do your own thing, progress with your life there, and then suddenly you bump into the bros and your world turns upside down... because you know everything about them, all their nuances and secrets. but they're just a side-quest for you now.
I can't really describe that feeling, only I remember realizing at that particular moment in time when I suddenly saw Prompto arriving at Lestallum and then see him just casually strolling by, that this is it... this is my life now and I'm never leaving
it wasn't a moment like "oh I'm in love with you Prompto" nothing like that, it was more like him choosing me and I just accepted it, that he will be the one for me. and from that moment I just fell in love with him gradually and slowly
it was a funny moment, that. walking around shitty, ruined city, everything is sad and depressing and then you bump into someone who you know so well. someone who you've spent 15 chapters alongside with. someone who already because your family
so yea that's it, that's my sappy little secret. the day Prompto claimed me as his was that day I played comrades and bumped into him there. from that day on he just became a permanent fixture in my life, the light of my days, and he made me a better person. I owe my life to him
thanks for reading...
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