I feel very hesitant about takes that go "THIS IS THE REAL LOOTING." "HE IS ACTUALLY THE THUG." Because it attempts to subvert racial stereotypes in what I feel is very haphazard. It also redirects us from the words we should be using such as white supremacist and capitalism
also if you feel differently let me know. I just feel that when these words are so embedded in perpetuating racism and classism that people aren't looking at those connections or relearning their meaning.
Like if someone sees looting in a specific light does showing Jeff Bezos and going "this is the real looter" actually help someone or do a "gotcha" moment? Probably not because the word looting while applicable has certain connotations that people aren't willing to unpack.
This comes from a vice article where the headline calls Kyle whatever his fucking last name an aspiring cop and someone said we should be calling him a thug and it's like... no I think aspiring cop is accurate and saying what we mean here.
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