By coincidence, the boy everyone's appreciating today. Armada Red Alert. Never had him before, he's much better than I'd managed to convince myself he'd be. Purchase inspired by @Toy
Joyride. Never had this guy before. My bro had Getaway and I had Slapdash.
It was time.
Colours are spiffy. Dig the buggy mode too.
Darkwing. Never had either of this pair before. Always got the impression he'd be the better toy.
His locking mechanism is terrifying, and Throttle dont wan come out when he's in engine mode. Can't fuck with that jet tho.
Powerglide and Yellowjumper.
Had a few Powerglides in my time. Tailfins always broke off rendering the robot useless. Had BumbleRed for years. I'm now three minis from the complete set!
Cloudburst. One my bro had as a kid and that I hadno real attachment to. Until He starred in a comic I drew for Graham Thomson, and years later, the first script by Simon Furman I ever drew.
Which brings me to a theme...
Aside from Gusher, the last from Toy Fu, this next group are all ebay buys.
Wideload, Gusher, Blowout and Discharge were among the cast of characters in the next Furman script I got to draw, as part of a group called The Remnants. Cant decide if I want to open Blowout...
Runabout and Runamuck.
Because humans are Wimps.
E-hobby Sunstorm. I've hemmed and hawed over this guy for years. Finally dived in, and he's beautiful.
Such vibrant colours...
Okay, "colour".
Alright, lets fuck that genetation off a bit.
Who might this be?
Its Revenge Of The Fallen Hatchet! Stumbled across by accident, never heard of it before, but the idea of a jet that turns into a big cat and nothing else? Thats pretty crazy unique even for TF. He's genuine fiddly fun too Recommended!
Transmetal 2 Dinobot. Bought off @RockLordsRock coincidentally. Had it before, regretted passing it on. Possibly the most fucking METAL Transformer design ever.
Energon Cruellock. Bought cuz he eas based off of the 1998 design for Godzilla. He's shite haw haw
Cruellock had stolen this guy's Cyber-Planet Key in the above pics. Cybertron Scrapmetal!
Bought cuz hes unusual in design. Quite fun.
Beast Machines Scavenger. This is the good shit. Reminds me of a Monster Mind in vehicle mode. In my head, had he been in the show he'd have had Inferno's Spark.
By coincidence, the boy everyone's appreciating today. Armada Red Alert. Never had him before, he's much better than I'd managed to convince myself he'd be. Purchase inspired by @toygrind 's playthrough of the PS2 game.
And a couple third party fucks I'll never transform.
Hm. Posting this thread from the phone seems to have screwed up the opening post.
It's Apeface. You know that.
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