Self defense is being taken away from people. The state is facilitating, promoting and protecting mob violence. If you resist a mob they might beat you to death and if you shoot them to stop them... you go to jail. #BLM is dangerous. They don’t want justice. They want submission.
They are being coddled in order to create a rift between conservatives and progressives in order for conservatives to beg the federal government to step in to protect law and order. That’s why Trump is dangerous. He neutered the traditional conservative resistance to big brother.
Years of comprehensive indoctrination has destroyed critical thinking and promoted emotional violent hysteria. Divide and conquer has worked brilliantly for the billionaire class, a class that continues to enrich themselves off of our suffering.
In order to figure out why things happen they do you need to look at who benefits the most from it.
Mainstream news is now one of the most destructive things in the history of human civilization.
They have effectively created a situation in which I could believe all people are equal regardless of sex,race or sexual orientation and even be willing to physically sacrifice in order to promote the rights of people different than me, but by questioning BLM I am automatically..
..labeled a white supremacist. It is a brilliant propaganda coup. They totally murdered rational discourse. Identity politics is far more destructive than almost anyone realizes.
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