Firefighters know that ice cream stands for finance for assassinations, that sand is linked to assassinations, and that eating - especially eating out of plastic - is linked to human trafficking based on fire sprinkler surveillance - that's sex, child, and medical trafficking 1
Firefighters know that people's hearts are implanted - that this fire-sprinkler surveillance and mind control trafficking network is managed through assassinations linked to implants in hearts, heads, and dental work.

Every photo in this set was carefully framed and selected 2
The word "pump" is coded - maybe linked to a heart -maybe linking hearts with gas and oil money. They picked here a grey colored heart with an ice cream cone pointed at it, other hearts and ice cream bars floating around.
Policemen, doctors, and firemen are all key nodes in this child trafficking network, all necessary for it to work "properly" - it's more than child trafficking, but it is child trafficking and it is trauma based mind control and it is controlled by finance via open corruption.
I numbered the first two tweets in this thread and then my numbering system all went to hell. Anyway this is tweet number 5.

This photo shows the symbolic "twins" (assassinations) in the light of setting sun, behind firefighters "eating" (consuming and trafficking surveillance)
Sand, sunset, twins - are all assassination references. Plastic is, I believe, a reference to finance around trafficking and assassinations. The photo prominently shows a "watch" which is symbolic of keeping us imprisoned, and watching us - with the intent of watching us die.
That particular image shows the man's right hand holding his left - also a symbol of imprisonment - and the eating with chopsticks hints at the involvement of east Asian countries and sticks also represent attacks, punishments, mostly through these implant networks.
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