OK, this really is none of my business but I feel compelled to share my tuppence as I don't think @Tom_Fowdy is being portrayed fairly here. I would caveat this thread by saying I have only read the thread by whatever Big Brother and the 16 y/o girl. https://twitter.com/JoshC0301/status/1298655344223191041
1st, what Tom wrote about the "nude camp" is out of order and unprofessional of him but does it amount to grooming as others suggest? The answer is "NO". The victim continued communications with him and even wrote a piece for his publication. She did not seem in any way offended
A 16 y/o is not a child and can give consent in most jurisdictions. So don't look at this as some innocent teenager being duped into something she has no idea about. I can't see any intention on Tom's part to impose his will on her just cos he is in a more dominant position.
Most people would be sympathetic to the plight of the victim, as was I. But as things unfold, I can see more and more attacks and self- congratulatory Tweets on her timeline. Does she really look like a traumatised victim to anyone? Why kept attacking Tom?
After initial Tweet by Big Brother, more " victims" have come forward sharing their DMs. All I can see are Tom making compliments about their looks, it's cringey, yeah. But a sexual predator, come on. Even my missus say, they are the usual clumsy flirts she gets from men.
Last, I don't know Tom personally and I have no vested interest in this. I just wish people would take a minute and think before calling him everything under the sun. He made a mistake, he should make an unreserved apology now and move on.
If the victim(s) were not satisfied with his apology, go through the legal channel (can't think of one) or the Twitter User Agreement. What they are doing now is just plain bullying. I am done, 0318 now, happy to get it off my chest, good night all.
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