Trump stated he knew a vax injured child. Probably family members. So he courted desperate vax injured families in 2015-2016, inferring one of his children had been treated by a famous autism dr. Because Dems refuse to believe that vaccines do indeed cause serious brain injury
To a substantial subset as well as other horrific life changing damage, many Dems voted for trump on this ONE ISSUE. Dems were mandating shots and literaraly refusing to believe medical testimony and eyewitness accounts of serous vaccine injury. Buying Pharma’s lies because ...
Pharma and the media and others to ridicule instead of even listen. They refused debate pretenses Bernadine Healy the whistleblower Hannah polling didn’t not exist. That the didn’t know Pharma had no liability. That they had never heard of Pharma lying for profits. . Z
The Dems created extreme hurt and betrayal with their denial of vaccine injury and worse, supporting mandates that made medical exemptions extremely difficult even for people with severely vax injured children. So trump walked in and promised to look into vaccine injury.
Trump inferred he knew vaccine injury well and that he would create a vaccine safety commission from week one. RFK JR announced it. Within hours Pharma had bribed trump at least 1 million dollars and he called it off and betrayed every parent desperate ...
Parents desperate to not be forced to revaccinate an already injured child. Even if vaccine court admitted harm HHS did not research or try to make the shots safer or learn what made them harm this subset. Yet CDC has AUDACITY to force revaccinate children known to be harmed
So I am deeply disgusted with dem leadership who refuse to #hearthiswell or believe us. But donald trump and @flotus KNOW it’s true, have $$$ to spend to help their vaccine injured family member, but betrayed us for $$$ despite extreme wealth. This is Even worse. #trumpBetrayal.
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