Please keep the people of South Louisiana and Southeast Texas in your thoughts and prayers as they evacuate and prepare for Hurricane Laura.
I’m so grateful that my family and friends are in the position to evacuate safely, but not every family has the resources to do so. Please be kind. This storm will be devastating for so many.
If you’re in or near Lake Charles, LA, the SWLA Center for Heath Services team will be there through the storm checking in on families and making sure people who could not evacuate have what they need. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help – they’re the BEST #HurricaneLaura
Please don’t respond to this thread denigrating people who are not evacuating. Evacuating is hard anytime, but we are still in a pandemic, making it a lot more difficult for many. I’m grateful that there are people ready and willing to sacrifice their own well being to help.
Some of those people are my family. I do not want or need people in my mentions telling me that people I love are going to die. Please keep that to yourself. I’m going to mute this thread now, but I’m still here to help anyone I can.
You can follow @torisneaux.
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