Like the gun-waving couple from St. Louis who spoke last night in the Republican National Convention, 17-year-old murderer Kyle Rittenhouse is the face of Trump's Republican Party and the joint state-vigilante strategy they are pursuing to preserve capitalism and white supremacy.
The US police system did not emerge as a means of preserving order for everyone's benefit. It emerged out of the brutal colonial theft of these lands from indigenous peoples and the enforcement of the laws of a society based on slavery. 
"Blue Lives Matter" vigilantes are still playing "Cowboys and Indians" in the streets of our cities, assuming they can murder demonstrators with impunity because they are defending the same racist order that secured their privileges to begin with.
It's naïve to imagine that Trump and the police and white supremacist militias that support him could be defeated by voting. They will only give up power if they know they can't hold it by force.

Even if you are a sucker who believes in electoral democracy, get in the streets.
You can follow @crimethinc.
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