I’ve been reading/listening to The Lost World (the one the movies based off of) and Ian Malcom talks about Gamblers Ruin during a point of the book where some people steal something and essentially die for it. I think it’s applies to 2020 perfectly.
Although it’s a fictional book, Gamblers Ruin is a very real thing. If you’ve never heard of it, the book describes it as “Gambler's Ruin was a notorious and much-debated statistical phenomenon that had major consequences both for evolution, and for everyday life.” (TLW)
Malcom proposes a question of “What happens over time?” Regarding a game of coin toss where if it lands on heads you get $1 and if it lands on tails you lose $1.
So what happens? In short Malcom explains “If you chart the gambler's fortunes over time, what you find is the gambler wins for a period, or loses for a period... everything in the world goes in streaks... you see it everywhere: in weather, in river flooding...
“Once things go bad, they tend to stay bad... Bad things cluster. Things go to hell together. That's the real world."

Aaaaaannnnd that’s basically 2020. This whole year is just a cluster of bad shit. Maybe the coin will flip in 2021.
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