When heterosexual men adopt the mindset of “rating other men” by attractiveness— they simulate in their minds an “ice queen” who decides her mate solely by visible traits— & they inhabit this persona— that is— they are Drag Queens.
“Oh hunny you got a weak ass chin” etc
This is “Mother Nature” as a character— which is being adopted— a harsh mistress! It’s the same persona “lookism” incels taunt themselves with when they delineate every metric by which they’re “objectively unattractive”
In their minds they are imagining the internality of women who they probably got the “cold shoulder” from without an explanation— thus they, being visually biased men, assume it was “solely for being unattractive looking”
Of course— this is less true of women than of men— women are far more likely to reject men for “personality traits” & men are more likely to reject women for “being unattractive”— ugly dudes with charisma fuck more than hot autistic dudes— because they “turn women OFF”
Women can state that a man is “objectively attractive” & yet find their presence disgusting— this is far less true in the inverse.
So yeah thanks for proving my take that “thinking about objective attractiveness of hot dudes” makes you LARP as a woman— thus the general “cattiness” of the intrigues in this clique of “hot dude worshippers”— it’s a simulation of female vs female competition lol
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