Never in a million years did I think that a call of duty advertisement would draw our attention to a huge problem in America happening right now. The interview with Yuri besnemov talks about the stages of a communist uprising. And almost all of the stages are completely...
Applicable to what’s happening in the US. The first stage is demoralization. This is when the integrity of the country is put into question. All the hate on white cod males completely applies to this stage.
The second stage is destabilization. This is when the status quo begins to change, particularly the country’s economy, foreign relations, and their defense systems. Defunding the police seems like a defense system change. And the older elites are the ones pushing this movement...
The third stage is Crisis. This is when a huge event happens that divides the country. Two things that have occurred recently are applicable to this. The George Floyd incident made everyone question the integrity of our law enforcement...
COVID 19 has divided the country on whether or not mask wearing should be mandatory. The last stage is beginning to happen now...
Stage four: normalization. Yuri bezmanov said that a clear indicator of this stage is the decline of organized religion. How many of us can confidently say that we actually have a religion at all? I would argue that a lot of the populace hasn’t been in a church in a good while...
...but that’s not the only sign of normalization. People have started openly talking about socialism in a positive way which was not normal in the 70s or even the early 2000s. And socialism and communism are not far from each other at all...
I leave this thread with a quote from Alexander Trachtenburg. It states “when we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people...
...and have been spread too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made loveable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it, we will.”
Our country is falling, and all we can do is sit here and watch.
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