😍Today's the day😍

Welcome to UBI Lab Youth's Launch Event.

We're joined by @JackSargeantAM and @sianberry, and we'll be talking about why a Universal Basic Income is so beneficial for young people.

👇 @NickHGreen will be live-tweeting below👇
Our panel includes:
Leo Holmes (LH) | @LeoHolmes1999
Beatrice Bannister (BH) | @BeaBannister
Sian Berry (SB) | @sianberry
Jack Sargeant (JS) | @JackSargeantAM
Ronan Nagle-Weaver (RN) | @NagleRonan
@BeaBannister: I first found out about a UBI at age 11.

A basic income is liberating, and it's applications wide-ranging.

I'm here, not as an expert, but as a person with a future that would benefit hugely from a UBI.
@BeaBannister: A lot of people are choosing their future careers purely based on pay, not what would make best us of our interests and abilities.

The future is currently defined by money.
@BeaBannister: A Basic Income isn't a panacea, it won't solve all of the problems we face. But it will be a huge step forward.

A Basic Income is within reach, and is a simple solution for an ever more complex world.
@JackSargeantAM: I'm calling for a UBI alongside a shorter working week, and alongside a Green New Deal for Wales.
These are bold policies, but much needed policies.
@JackSargeantAM: A UBI gives people the opportunity to consider careers they couldn't before. Whether that's to retrain, or go back into education.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if we all had the opportunity to do this. Being able to retrain would benefit us all.
@JackSargeantAM: As payments are paid to households and not individuals, its possible for people to have financial control in abusive relationships. A UBI is paid to individuals so prevents this, and helps people to leave abusive relationships.
@JackSargeantAM: Following an earlier event, the future generations commissioner is going to be investigating a Universal Basic Income and a shorter working week. I really hope that we can soon see a Universal Basic Income across the UK.
(Want to join the conversation? DM us for a Zoom link)
@sianberry: Whenever I'm visiting schools as part of my role as Co-leader, UBI is a policy I always try to bring up.
@sianberry: There is a human right for everyone to have a suitable standard of living. Most of our laws don't guarantee that. That really frustrates me.
@sianberry: We have an absolutely punitive benefits system. Its designed to throw some people into destitution.
@sianberry: There is a pressure on people to choose jobs because of the need to have financial security above all else instead of personal fulfillment. UBI has been a Green Party policy for almost forever.
@sianberry: Basic material security is a prerequisite for a sustainable society.
@sianberry: UBI is part of our Green New Deal. To have a sustainable society, including retrofitting homes, reusing and repairing more, a lot of whats needed is labour. UBI lets us subsidise that work we need by investing in people.
@sianberry: If you poll people on if they support a UBI, young people actually support it slightly less. That needs to change, it's worrying that people don't feel hopeful that things can get better. The work of campaigns like this (UBI Lab Youth) will really help do that.
@NagleRonan: I've only recently become involved in politics. Issues like Brexit have been exhausting. Seeing Andrew Yang speak and then following his campaign had made me consider and start supporting a UBI. That's why I got involved with UBI Lab.
@NagleRonan: A lot of young people wonder if they'll ever be able to own their own home. So many people have had to move back in with their parents. For even younger people it looks like they might never be able to move out.
@NagleRonan: The job market is so competitive now, especially with Covid-19. Some jobs have been lost due to covid, but those jobs might not not ever be coming back. Some companies have made this change.
@NagleRonan: Regarding mental health, a UBI is really beneficial. Not only in the short term, but also in the long term. As @BeaBannister mentioned, it's not a panacea, but it will provide not just a financial but also a psychological security for everyone.
@NagleRonan: If now isn't the time for a Basic Income, when will it be?
Question: For LGBT youth, they are disproportionately represented in homelessness numbers. Is there space for an LGBT+ Lab?
@JackSargeantAM When it comes to those that are homeless, a UBI could help people. Currently they're struggling. They can't even get a bank account. I want to bring a community bank to wales so that people can have a bank account without having a fixed address.
@sianberry Without basic material security, including an understanding and accepting family, for a lot of LGBT+ people they simply can't be themselves. The financial security of a UBI would really help that.
Comment from audience: Why is it that free money when it comes to company bailouts is okay? But when its free money to people, it seems to be a problem?
Question: Do we need an @AndrewYang in the UK to push for UBI?
@BeaBannister We've seen from people tonight how much of an impact Andrew Yang has had. I don't think we need to replicate that in the UK. I'd rather see a community led effort, because that's what it's about at heart.
@sianberry We need a movement, with prominent good speakers. And people that can do all the social media and amazing diagrams. I'm so pleased that there is now a campaign on this. If one political party claims UBI as their own, it's not healthy for making it happen.
@JackSargeantAM I don't think a figurehead will work here in the UK, although it seems to have worked in America. Groups like this are the best way to make it happen. Listening to local people with the local groups, that's how we can make it happen.
@NagleRonan We can learn a lot of lessons from Yang. It wasn't just him, it was the community around him.

What drew me to Yang was his appearances on programs and media that would disagree with him, such as Ben Shapiro's show. He was prepared to talk to new communities.
@LeoHolmes1999 I think it's much better to have community organisations. It helps people feel a lot more involved. Grassroots organisations are really effective at getting the message out there.
Question: If we're going to achieve a UBI, we need to work across parties. How can we achieve this?
@JackSargeantAM A UBI is not my idea, not my party's idea, not any parties idea. We should do things on consensus.

Party politics on an issue like this that will benefit so many people is just a distraction.
@JackSargeantAM Let's be grown up. Let's have conversations. Let's do something for the good of the people. That's the way to do things, and that's what I'm trying to champion in Wales.
@sianberry We have to remember that UBI is an ancient idea. It's not something that's appeared just now, people have been talking about it in the background for ages.
@NagleRonan Taking inspiration from Andew Yang, this idea isnt Left or Right, its forward.
Question: Are pilots needed given the number that there have been and the evidence they provide? Will pilots just kick the can down the road for years?
@JackSargeantAM I would like to see trials in Wales. I've called for one in my area. Part because of automation, and part because of coronavirus. Where will a UBI benefit right now? Thats where we should focus our attention of any trial.
@JackSargeantAM A UBI for everyone in Wales would require serious investment from the UK Conservative Government. That's probably not going to happen, but theres a lot that a Labour Government in Wales can do, in terms of a trial (one focussed on people that need it the most)
@sianberry If you're advocating for a pilot, you're kind of not committed to the idea. We're convinced that this should happen. But we can only do as much as the power we hold. I'm running for Mayor of London, but they wouldn't have the power to implement a full UBI.
@sianberry We need to use the power that we do have to build that evidence. If the Greens ran the country, we would implement it straight away.
@NagleRonan Personally, I think now. Now is when we need a UBI. There's enough evidence for me to say we should give this a shot.
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