In my physics class, when we discuss early philosophy I always ask my students “which do they think is more destructive?”
I ask them “why?” They tell me. Then I introduce my pick...which is water. I then tell them about the special properties of water. I specifically highlight cohesion & surface tension...use the bellyflop & the use of the fire hydrant as a weapon as examples
Then I ask them what firefighters use to put out fires...this elicits critical thinking...I then ask them to describe natural disasters & which ones are most destructive & what elements they involve...
They come to realize that the worst natural disasters involve all of the elements. Then they say “I thought this was physics class we’re discussing chemistry & weather” I then say “Physics is the most foundational science. Nothing exists without physics “ they be like
It’s not about being right or wrong. It’s facilitating critical thinking. They apply their knowledge to higher concepts & I ask questions to teach them how to think so that they don’t become low reader ass ppl
What I really like about this discussion is that they realize they know much more than they think they know
I love to hear them explain tsunamis to me. This is a perfect example how one element’s behavior acts as a catalyst to another & then they all hop in the car like “get in loser we’re gonna fuck up the world”
Then I love to hear the DC ass responses
“nah moe, water be real live fuckin shit up moe!”
“Nah moe the muhfuckin moon control the ocean & shit...”
“On my muva the volcanoes cause tsunamis!”
Me: water molecules are like a gang. They link up real tight to keep the opps out & it’s like a shield. Thats why when you belly flop in a pool it smacks the hell outta u!

All you hear is “Kill moe!”
I tell everyone that yes Imma teach you the math but the most important thing in all my classes is learning to think critically. I want them to know how to reason.
I be ctfu. They’re really smart & funny. I be like “oh shit look at Moeistotle!”
They be like “yeeeaah i used to be watchin Bill Nye, moe”
Then I say “For homework ask your muva & fawwwva this same question & record it”😂😂
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