My contribution to the pile of hot takes on ballot collection:

The Secretary of State's regulation proposal was not innocuous or common-sense, it was designed to create another partisan dustup
I did voter registration for years with a community organization. Whenever I stepped in to assist voters, there's a place on the form for me to put my contact information. That way, if an issue ever came up (it didn't for me) I could be contacted
A reasonable regulation from the SOS would have sought to do something similar - asking for name and contact info when a collector drops off ballots on behalf of voters
Instead, it asked for the organizational affiliation of collectors, which is unnecessary.

And it asked for the collector to note names and addresses of ballots and return location, which should be the responsibility of the local election department to track
Then of course, it used the partisan dog whistle "ballot harvester" and created an arbitrary limit of 10 ballots collected
10 ballots dropped off at one time? Or 10 total?

If 10 total, does somebody have to go back and compile the required information for potentially days of helping out voters?

The regulation is unclear, and puts burdens above & beyond identification on a collector
This was not developed in consultation with election experts. The SOS admitted she did not consult with them before fighting mail ballots for the general election.

Ever since the primary election, she has taken a dramatically partisan turn and it's very disappointing to see
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