Gonna do a brief thread/vibe encouraging mannerbund planning at this time, grown up in rural areas the vast majority of my life in a poorer region of Canada and I want to try to illustrate what's going on in a lot of these hamlets all over NA using my local knowledge as example
There's a village here I won't name cause I forget it but let me explain their situation here to realize how utterly alone you are in these places and what to expect upon arrival. This is a local little fishing hamlet with perhaps some mines closed for 100 years near it.
The fish are gone and nobody living has worked a mine, what may have been once 200-250 people near there is perhaps 60 if that, and of them, only 10 or so under the age of 40, and these usually man the gas station and single store in town.
This hamlet has no money, it cannot afford to pave the single road that constitutes their town, four years ago they voted to dissolve their charter and amalgamate into a larger county/municipality. They are still waiting.
The three municipalities they border won't take them because of the debt the township carries and the fact that they've already bloated up so much absorbing all these other dead villages that have thrown in the towel and dissolved themselves.
Nothing coming's back to them, every house except maybe the handful of people determined to die in theirs is for sale and often from some beleaguered local bank or credit union that's taken possession of the place and is eager to offload it on whoever they can.
So they exist in this sort of limbo existence, they've voted to not exist but have been ignored by slightly larger entities near them that are themselves, only marginally less broke but far more overstretched. So why the fuck would you move here?
For one most of you hate wagie work and these are places where it's not even seen as worth the time to put in some soulless retail hut, so they've had to move past it in order to live. Everyone works at an under-the-table economy and no one really pays attention, you never did.
They're literally boomers who's understanding of tech is trapped in 1998, you know the internet, learn to make a buck or two on it using the skills you have and head out to one of these twilight zone middle of nowhere places. Set up shop.
No one gives a shit if you live in a place where rent is 1800/month or 425/month when they're just buying something from you they get in the mail and you get paid via paypal.
No one thinks twice about the anonymous crafting supplies retailer on etsy or the guy who restores and resells antiques on ebay. The doxxer activist types now are among the population segment getting fucked the hardest by this lockdown hitting us.
It's the kind of neurotic twit activity that's born of a world of utter stagnation, complacency and too much comfort and security. Everyone's getting a cash hemorraging and the e-racist four states over posting mean things is now alot less of a priority than it was a year ago
So carve out your niche, there's whole blocks of the world that are for all intents and purposes being abandoned and left to their fate because they cannot make a go of the 21st century digital zion economy. For those who want a way out of that world, it's there for the taking.
Everyone now back online, bunch of us are freed from wagie wagie world, I'm watching new communities just pop up to accommodate the sudden increase in activity again after what feels like years of dormancy. This is your time to meet new people and sharpen your skills
I want to emphasize that the idea that you could be living and working with a pair of m8s, starting off on the path of self-sufficiency with a little garage business up and running and with more people WITH TALENT wanting in on the game is something that can happen by next year
You can follow @Boreal_Gael.
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