Museum's are very close to my heart, so I thought I'd take one for the team and review Manchester Museum's LGBTQ+ trail.
I'm not quite sure why the trail included the L as mentions of lesbians by name was....1/
So onto the trail itself. Object one is a soap which may or may not have been used by Queen Victoria. Drag queen Daniel Wallace muses on viewing exhibits through the eyes of "White Victorian gentlemen" 2/
The trail sets out to prove nothing has changed by the fact 8 out of the 9 artefacts are explained though the eyes of white 21st century gentlemen. 3/
The soap apparently has nothing to do with people's fascination with royalty, but in fact "demonstrates narratives of male cis heteronormative power"..... apparently. 4/
No. 2 is a peppered moth. Queer people are apparently like moths, except when they are not.
I think the education point here is, please don't use lights around queer people. 5/
No. 3 are mummy portraits. Here we find out that sometimes people don't look exactly like a stereotype of their sex. Crazy idea. Who knew! 6/
No. 4 is the gall wasp. Well done to Bryony, from the visitor team, who gives us our first genuinely interesting object and link (which is to Afred Kinsley of the sexuality scale) 7/
No. 5 is a snake. Snakes are like drag queens because clothes are like skins. Amazingly you should dress up how you want to.
Bonus facts about snake gods being transgender. 8/
No. 6 peacock. Now we discover the news that fashion changes throughout history. Fashion is also to do with wealth. 9/
Interesting fact that peacock feathers were a secret gay symbol though. 10/
No. 7. Shabtis. Shabtis role is to speak for the dead. Queer people don't have a voice [HAHAHAHA] so we need to be "shabtis " for them. 11/
If anyone fancies pretending to be an Egyptian funerary statue to help a bunch of extraverted white blokes, give Manchester museum a shout! 12/
No. 8. Lion. Female lions are often not credited for their efforts and apparently mainly displayed in family groups.

Bright side is boy lions don't spend their days pretending to be girl lions13/
Family groups on display is apparently part of the museum world's sinister plot to push the "artificial idea of a normalised nuclear family" 14
8% of lions are gay. 15/
No.9 saving the best for last we meet: Tyrannosaurus Rex and discover
"Nothing needs pronouns given to them. We should accept this - with old fossils and humans"
The 14 year old author then describes their pronouns as he/him 16/
The museum then goes on to give they/ them pronouns to Sue the T-Rex, because "the skeleton has no expression of gender dimorphism" 17/
What a wonderful trip around the queer museum! It's almost as if it's a total load of absolute bollocks, in more ways than one! 18/
Here's the link to the trail page. There's a even more gender woo to cringe at, particularly their resource page with links to Mermaids......
It's online!!! Enjoy đŸ€ŁđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ł
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