People have asked what I mean when I say there's a "realignment" underway in how political factions define themselves, this is an illustration of (part of) it: Ostensibly Marxist-Populist outlets like The Intercept lining up behind libertarian/Far-Right talking points
Under conventional post-WWII/ColdWar global-order binary, it shouldn't make sense; just like "Black Lives Matter" - the slogan/rally-cry and the organization - effectively lining up behind a Democrat party currently running an steel-town Senator and an AG for Prez shouldn't...
...but as the ground shifts under us and the new "sides" take shape, it becomes more clear that we face a plausible future where "left vs right" is supplanted entirely by the conflict of Protectionist-Populism vs Global-Futurism.
(or, if you're looking for a micro/macro understanding of what that entails; think "fossil fuel company that sustains a local economy + many jobs" versus "survival of human civilization vis-a-vi climate change," extrapolated out to EVERY facet of political discourse.)
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