I thought I'd start a thread of some #aspie things that I experience. Talking about things at least brings things to light. Not an exhaustive list but at least some of them, nor any order
#1 I absolutely hate having dirty "feeling" hands. I've had a hand-washing issue for years and right now, with all of the hand-sanitizer flying around It's pretty bad. Some of leaves my hands dry others leave it feeling greasy or it takes ages to dry. It's a horrible feeling
#2 Another "feeling" some textures, tastes, smells are absolutely offensive. Like.. when you have a migraine and can't think of anything else offensive. There's stories behind all these things #aspie I've changed like good socks many times because the texture is weird/off
#3 Maybe more a me thing. I am so analytical, I have to understand the why or the how. It leads me to deconstructing everything into nothingness - especially when this comes to people, it doesn't work. I can see through peoples bias at times, the underlying reasons #aspie
But the tough thing comes when people don't do things for logical reasons (myself included) how do you figure that out? You can't - so you have to accept it. You may well have figured out someones intentions, before they have #aspie
#4 Relationships are like plants. You have to water them, otherwise they die. I guess that thought process just isn't there, It's not like I don't care or think of them I guess I just don't think time matters.. then it does haha #aspie
#5 Hyper focus. At times, I can be hyper-focused.. I can turn to a subject and pick something up really quickly, doing research and learning on something I'm fascinated with (nuclear physics anyone?) which is amazing. But with that comes with a large dose of..
#6 Lost. I'll often get lost in the detail of a broader-picture scenario, if something is really complex I'll get lost down one of the many threads or wormholes of information and feel completely overwhelmed. It holds me back sometimes, as I just look at something and go
How the fuck do I attack that. The usual approach of breaking it down into smaller problems, doesn't work or the problem is too high-level.. or far too intricately detailed that I don't understand it. And, you know what - that's also fine.
#7 Mental health problems. What a big one, wow all the mental health problems. ADHD, OCD, Aspergers, Echolalia, Hypersensitivity, Body image issues, depression, anxiety. There are so many - I remember the time I realised that how I felt all the time wasn't normal #aspie
#8 Perspective. I can see things from a completely different view, which at times is a such a great quality. Fixing tech problems when you can see things bottom up instead of top down is great. But, It can also mean being stubbornly blinded by what others so obviously see.
Case in point. I remember, when a friend of mine a few years ago told me that politicians lie to further their cause - I was aghast. It had never occured to me, that someone would be dishonest to further their own cause. Heck, even go as far as argue for it again #aspie
I love politics as an adult, but I kinda hate how clicky it is. People vote for silly things that are obviously false or lies. Others get whipped up by the things a person says because it's what they want to hear. They only think of themselves. Not everyone but sometimes #aspie
There are so many stories behind all these points. Learning that my dad didn't always know what was right and wrong..
Trying to discern when someone is trying to push their agenda or is just generally trying to give you some good advice - that's a tough one. It makes it hard to take advice from someone, when you're not sure what their game is. At the same time, not everyone has an agenda #aspie
#9 People. A bit general, but interacting with the general public can be _stressful_ to say the least. They expect hand shakes or you go blank, not knowing what to say. No one sees #autism so you're just like them on the outside. I absolutely loathe small talk this forces that
So many #autistic people say they wish they had a physical disability. That look, someone gives you when you commit a social faux pas is awful. I have the joy being autistic enough to still do it, but normal enough to notice I've committed it.
You have to learn to be OK with just smashing your foot in social situations, because otherwise you'd never leave the house.
But with that comes danger. You open yourself up too much to a stranger (emotionally) and they don't reciprocate. You feel vulnerable, but you have to do it again - otherwise you'd shut down. The worst is when you're doing your best to be that supportive rock to someone
And when you tell your story...


Isn't that a lovely feeling?

#aspie #autism
#10 Social situations. A bit tied to people, but they can be both enjoyable and stressful. Knowing what's appropriate to say, what to talk about. When it's your turn to talk, making sure you balance not talking too much or not enough. This is so stressful, if you're not feeling
100% then It can be just exhausting. Sometimes all the stars align and you feel like a normal person, come out of it feeling energised but this is so rare. When you have some close friends that there are no pretenses It makes it much easier to relax and just enjoy company #aspie
#11 Suggestions. A bit vague, but "leading" statements. Reading between the lines. Unless something is generally very clearly stated It's lost on me, I don't notice finite social details or things that are assumed. I need statements, facts. I remember watching #westworld #aspie
And I just found it infuriating as (I loved the original film) and it'd jump around in the timeline willy-nilly without any suggestion of what was going on, just had to work it out. Just becomes really frustrating and I lose interest. Some stories and jokes make no sense #aspie
#12 Irony. This is in itself ironic, but I didn't understand the concept for such a long time. It made no sense, nor did I understand the point of satire or discern the difference. I remember when it clicked, but often got it confused with coincidence. My ex said #aspie
The Alanis Morrisette song was about me as I didn't understand irony. It took me a few years to work out that wasn't a compliment. #aspie #autism
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