Pres. Farmajo, according 2 SOM sources, survived over 10 assassination,some from govts. Hearing certain Western intel guys are keeping an eye on the matter. You may then ask WHY: Love him or hate him, Pres. Farmajo changed SOM's political dynamics & nation's ties with others:
Gone are the days when anti- govt guys HAPPILY & OPENLY met & schemed in foreign capitals. The public EVEN started 2 treat oppo. figures who frequently visit foreign nations as spies. Boasts of "such & such nation backs me" are out of fashion.
Without firing a shot, Pres killed the reputation & political capital of Deni & Ahmed because of their foolish intransigence, started 2 write their own obituaries. The pairs are now at catch22: Backing Prez's term extension, appearing weakling. Opposing it renders them irrelevant
If Pres. Farmajo was strategic enough he'd have ruled SOM 4 decades. The opposition are fronts 4 foreign agents, who can't BRAVELY & FRANKLY comment on core national issues. The public hates foreigners, like AMISOM & white looters operating out of Halane.
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