Over the last few years I’ve witnessed how much care and strategy Abi has had to use to share herself and bits of her life in this community, in an effort to feel a fraction of the trust and understanding many of us get to feel with no issue, and it’s heartbreaking.
I’ve heard her say more times than not that she can’t do or say something because she’ll be bullied and harassed, and puts it out of her mind immediately as if it’s a learned lesson she’s been forced to accept. It sickens me that she has to fold and shrink herself for you fucks.
this community at large doesn’t know how supportive and brilliant and funny she is, how much loves she pours into the room, because she has this narrative of an unearned reputation haunting her every step and nothing that any of us do makes a difference.
she has had to answer for things no one else here has, made public statements about her dating history as if it pertains to anything, just to shut you cockroaches up, but here you are still punching your clocks like it pays the rent, and what for?? What does it serve?
you just get off on watching women squirm under thumb? does it bother you to see pretty faces and curves walking this earth unpunished, is she not meek enough? Does she not hate herself and her body enough? Is she jailbreaking cages you’ll never have the strength to?
I told her once early on that what happened with her and Clif is her business and she only needs to mention if she wants to and I have never seen that look on someone’s face before or since. It hadn’t even occurred to her that for me it didn’t factor in to the equation at all.
It needs to stop. I try very hard not to feed the trolls, but now that I have the time, I will come for you. Everyone that casts an evil eye will one day go blind, and I’m here to facilitate.
You can follow @willow__row.
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