We’re mostly prepping and planning down here, but please keep an eye out in the next few days as mutual aid actions start to clarify — we’re a tiny little chapter and we will likely be very grateful for some backup from y’all out there once this clears and we know what’s what. https://twitter.com/NWS/status/1298639490806947842
And we’re not going to be distracted or dissuaded in our ongoing demands for #JusticeforTrayfordPellerin — we may have to walk and chew gum barefoot uphill both ways in the snow but solidarity makes impossible things possible. ♥️🥖🌹
LOCAL/REGIONAL FOLKS: if you are interested and potentially able to be on the ground tomorrow to help check on folks, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFb37sAA3-5Qhc6HhhoPgCT5BoKnDwZvKlx_yScAggCPp1Ng/viewform
A thing we are definitely going to need a lot of: trash bags, gloves, plastic totes. If you are in Lafayette, feel free to DM for a drop-off address. If you are elsewhere, consider pulling together a drive with your chapter, esp if you are within driving distance!
We can’t be certain what all we’re going to need, but basic mucking equipment is always, always, always a hot commodity after major water events down here.
Another thing is that if you’re in an area that is likely to host evacuees, drives for basic hygiene supplies are always really helpful. Folks need clean underpants and socks and shampoo and menstrual products.
Putting out feelers to your networks to see who is hosting people and providing direct aid is a thing to start doing now. If you’re within 12 or so hours of Lake Charles, there’s probably a family piled in somewhere nearby that could use a pot of chili. Not all aid has to be big!
This feels maybe obvious to those of us who have been through this before, but it really is true — big rallying group efforts are AMAZING/needed but so is a delivery of TP and fresh ground coffee to a neighbor who has all their mom’n’em piled on air mattresses in the living room.
You can follow @DSASWLA.
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