Diversity is who is in the room.

Inclusion is who has influence in that room.

Anti-racism is a mindset, way of being, and goal for a group of people in a room.

These are not interchangeable terms.
You can have a multicultural room with zero inclusion and zero focus on anti-racism.

It is why having diversity alone does not automatically lead to justice.
You can also have an anti-racism approach in a room with not as much diversity. It is why affinity groups, caucus work, etc. and teaching a different way of being that is customized to a specific cultural group can be so powerful.
Every single person can be anti-racist, no matter what your background. It means knowing yourself - your ancestors, your people, your identity development - and then knowing others. (For Muslims, God tells us He created us "in nations & tribes so we may know one another." 49:13)
An anti-racism mindset is one that sees the importance of knowing and healing one's self, empowering those who are most impacted by harmful systems, and persistently striving for changing the oppressive structures around us that lead to disparate outcomes based on identity.
White dominant culture - white supremacist traits - shape the world. Oppressive systems built around caste and other methods of creating hierarchy around ethnic/racial identity are global.

You can be white or non-white and adopt these traits. An anti-racism mindset is a choice.
What aspects look different when we don't default white dominant culture? Time is not just linear. Notions of modesty differ. The land, water, earth are valued. Spaces are multi-generational & accessible. Multiple languages are used. Knowledge is not transmitted only in writing.
We can create a different culture in our spaces regardless of what's happening in the world. We can be there for ourselves & others in ways this world and leaders have never been there for us. Systems are designed to dehumanize & break people. Disrupt that, no matter how minorly.
Acknowledge ways white supremacy and other systems of oppression harm all people. These systems kill spirits and bodies. They deaden the hearts of those who oppress others. They cannot operate without assimiliation, cultural genocide, & dehumanization.

We need healing + justice.
"Relationships are built at the speed of trust." - Mama Lila Cabbil. In a world where we have just cause to not trust certain people, how can we work to build spaces where we can learn to trust ourselves & others? Unpack what we need for a space like that & we see the structures.
The biggest thing anti-racism work has given me is not intellectual head-space analysis.

It's hope.

Hope for my future, hope from the beauty of others, & hope to create a better world because the resiliency & courage of so many ancestors has gotten us here already.

Diversity and inclusion is a decent place to start. But it does not automatically get to healing, decolonialization, justice-oriented organizing, or even just the basics around heart & soul work.

We all have to start somewhere. But please recognize the differences.
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