Procrastination is -the enemy of progress

But it’s somthing we all fall victim to in one form or another

Learn to master this and you will have more success in all your endeavors

Here are 𝟭𝟬 𝗧𝗜𝗣𝗦 to help you over come your time killing habit

💢 Leveling up time 💢

1) Get organized

You can’t do any work if you don’t know where your things are!

- Give everything a place/spot that it belongs
- Get a planner or use your phone and keep track of important up coming dates and events.

This will save you time and help you to stay on track.
2) Set simple, achievable goals

Some tasks seem to big & overwhelming to start.

Doing this will give you:
- A starting point
- A goal that you are working towards
- Help you stay motivated to complete your goal

Each and every day try to get 1% better - and this will help you!
3) Timeline / Schedule

After setting goals, give yourself a reasonable timeline to complete them.

- Hold yourself accountable to this timeline
- Do not allow yourself to just drift past and be okay with it.

This will help you to stay on track with your goals and desires.
4) Set a deadline

“One day I’ll start doing it...”

How many times have you said that about something.

Don’t let the days keep on just going by because one day never comes.

- Set a deadline to start
- And make it happen

Day one or one decide!
5) Get rid of distractions

In a world filled with distractions it can get hard to stay on track.
These distractions can derail your progress.

Instead you can try:
- Turing off your phone
- Going to a quiet place where you can do your work

Whatever it takes for a clear mind
6) Time yourself

This is a great option for those who get easily distracted.

Set a timer between 45 - 90 minutes and during that time:

- Do your work
- Don’t look at or do anything else
- Get it done

This will force you to give it your all on your task, when on the clock.
7) Take a break

It is important to take mental breaks from your work from time to time. When the timer goes off then you have earned a little break.

This will help you to:
- Reset your mind
- Give you a fresh perspective
- Relax

Just make sure not to over do your break time.
8) Use incentives

Everyone loves a reward.

Give yourself a reason to do somthing if need be.

- If I complete this assignment then I will go get ice cream.
- If i get an A in class then I’ll buy this item

Of course you shouldn’t go overboard but some incentives could help.
9) Get the hard stuff done first

You may want to push everything off and further back but don’t

Once you do the hard task then
- It’s done
- The rest is a lot easier

Getting the tough one done first will give you a sense of confidence & enable you to crush your remainding goal
10) Tell someone about your goals

It’s easy to let yourself slip and not hold yourself accountable.

By telling someone else:
- They will help you stay on track
- Call you out when your being lazy
- Tell you if your dining what you said you would

Crucial step right here!
If you are looking for someone to hold you accountable and share your goals with and help you stay on track...

Send us a DM and let us know.

We would be more than happy to help out and help you to stay on track.
If you can master the distrctive force known as procrastination then you will be a big step ahead of your competition.

Remember you control your own destiny.

Everytime you procrastinate you are drifting further and further from your goals.

Stay on track and get rewarded!
Thank you for reading‼️

Have a great day and BEYOND‼️

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