I can see so many musician (and art) friends hurting at the moment. The act of creating anything right now in this reality is so tough. You can't force it, and trying to create from a place of stress can make things worse. Here's a short thread with a few ideas that might help:
Counter-intuitively try making something completely different & away from your usual discipline or wheelhouse. Cook something/make bread. Doodle or paint your feelings. Write or journal. Record something, go for a sound-walk.

Create anything to help get into the right headspace
Create without pressure. Try some goal-less exploration, where you generate ideas without judgement. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad - it's something! Jamming without pressure can yield really interesting things, and you can build up a store of ideas to draw on later.
Talk to other positive creative people and share ideas. I usually get really fired up after a conversation with a friend and talking about process/gear/music/cooking/pets/art/books. Are there people you can share unfinished ideas with without judgement?
Read more books! Fiction/non-fiction. If I'm at a loose end I can always reach for Daphne Oram's An Individual Note or Steve Reich Writings On Music. Fiction makes me want to soundtrack scenes. Reading gets me thinking and pumped up.
Low pressure creative prompts, like Eno & Schmidt's Oblique Strategies. Similar to goal-less exploration, creating anything can be a boost, and producing sparks and sketches of ideas create the potential for more.
Curate your input during fallow periods. We need positive input to creatively output. Consume media that inspires you, eliminate that which causes you stress as best as you can. Try and nurture positive relationships.
Try making tools/patches/presets/sampling/things that help streamline your creative process for when you do feel like making. Programming patches or making brushes can yield a whole work. Allow happy accidents to happen!
Just know that you're awesome and the world needs great art. Making anything right now is brave and something to be admired. Keep on keeping on đŸ–€đŸ€˜
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