Which Dragon Age Companions Like Pumpkin Spice: A Thread

Alistair: Loves Pumpkin Spice
Morrigan: Refuses to try Pumpkin Spice because Alistair likes it.
Liliana: Every beverage she drinks in the fall is Pumpkin Spice!
Sten: Likes Pumpkin Spice caramel lattes
Wynn: Drinks Pumpkin Spiced hot coco before bed
Zevran: Will go on for hours about the wonders of Pumpkin Spice
Shale: Has no tongue, doesn't need to drink, and is constantly annoyed by everyone talking about Pumpkin Spice
Dog: Dogs should not have Pumpkin Spice
Oghren: Drinks Pumpkin Spice ale or whisky
Loghain: Pumpkin Spice sounds like something Orlesians drink so no

Nathaniel: Is one of the few people with no real opinion on Pumpkin Spice
Sigrun: Was super excited to try Pumpkin Spice for the first time but ended up hating it
Velanna: Says she doesn't care that people judge her for liking Pumpkin Spice (cares a lot)
Justice: Doesn't understand to purpose of spice
Anders: Pumpkin Spice tastes and smells like freedom to him
Finn: Is allergic to Pumpkin Spice
Ariane: Genuinely likes Pumpkin Spice but drinks it mostly to mess with Finn

Aveline: Rolls her eyes at people who drink Pumpkin Spice
Isabella: Hates Pumpkin Spice but pretends to around Aveline
Varric: Doesn't like Pumpkin Spice but owns a spice farm in the middle of nowhere so he'll talk it up every chance he gets
Merrill: Would preform a blood magic ritual to have Pumpkin Spice year-round
Fenris: Likes Pumpkin Spice but hates the stereotype of Pumpkin Spice lovers
Sebastian: Doesn't like Pumpkin Spice but doesn't judge people who do
Tallis: Has bad memories associated with Pumpkin Spice
Cassandra: Likes Pumpkin Spice but refuses to admit it
Blackwall: Will actually puke if you make him drink Pumpkin Spice
Iron Bull: Drinks Pumpkin Spiced hot coco before bed
Sera: Thinks Pumpkin Spice is gross and switches around everyone's orders when she's on drink duty
Cole: Doesn't like Pumpkin Spice but keeps a hidden stash through the year for people who do
Vivienne: Didn't used to like it but drank so much to be fashionable that she's inquiring a taste
Dorian: Needs his Pumpkin Spice in the morning, and afternoon, and evening
Solas: Detests Pumpkin Spice but appreciates the joy it brings into the world
Cullen: No, Pumpkin Spice is ridiculous
Josephine: Always had a cup of Pumpkin Spice coffee on her desk but forgets to drink it
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