Taiwan is working on a new passport design and one of the possibilities is bubble tea on a bird's head.

Please let it be bubble tea on a bird's head.
This one is the most popular by the online vote so far and it's admittedly the most elegant.
This one is the third most popular and it's just a simple map of Taiwan. Notably the "w" in the text-form "Taiwan" is intended to look like a person with outstretched hands to celebrate human rights.
So many of the other options are just really nice minimal designs.

I still voted for bubble tea on a bird's head and I hope you did, too.
Just to explain a little. The bird holding the boba tea is the Mikado pheasant. It's often viewed as an official bird because its native to the island AND it's the flag's colors.

Boba tea was invented in Taiwan in 80s. Its popularity across Asia often obscures that fact.
Also, if you’re confused about the rice bowl, that’s braised pork over rice. It’s easily the homiest and most iconic dish to Taiwan.

Often served with a little bok choy, pickled mustard greens, and a soy sauce egg. My grandpa would make this every week 😊
Me, furiously texting my cousin: Please vote for the boba bird.
My cousin: I'm surprised you didn't vote for Captain Meow Meow Fuzzy face
Also me:
"As the highest rank and commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, the badge on the cap promotes the soul of Taiwan: bubble tea."

My cousin is right that I threw away my vote.
Me: Mom, Taiwanese twitter wants to see boba bird as the passport.
Mom: I don't like it. It has communist nonsense on it.
Me: What about Captain Meow Meow Boba Face?
Mom: That's fine. Remember, we're the Republic of Taiwan, NOT CHINA.
My mom is easily one of the most passive and laidback people I know, but not when it comes to communism, China, or anything resembling either.

She will absolutely fight you (and win) if you ever conflate China and Taiwan.
This is President Tsai and her cat Think Think.
This is a series of me holding my cats Henry and Major (RIP) by @jaycrimes

Now I realize they're quite presidential.
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