"Police kill white people too" is the wildest argument, because you'd THINK it would be followed by "so let's all work together to get rid of this fucked-up, dehumanizing system," but instead it's always "so shut up about it."
The rate at which white people in the US are murdered by cops is extremely horrible, actually, and we should all be upset about it! The fact that most white people aren't is a disturbing testament to our desensitization to violence!
White Americans would also be better off if we defunded and dismantled the police, but many of us are willing to sacrifice the safety of our families and communities in order to uphold white supremacy and state violence.
When white people get offended by the phrase "Black Lives Matter," it's usually because in their belief system, *no* lives matter.
White people who would NEVER risk injury or arrest to demand justice for their community members get very upset when Black people do. Feel free to speculate as to why.
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