lets start with the word in question: 꺼져
it can be used in different ways depending on different situations- it can be used in both playful ways and rude ways. with close friends its used often in a joking way while it is also used aggresively in different situations.
now lets talk. first of all you all are sheeps for believing this assumption wholeheartedly without questioning them.
what happened here is that people assumed that he didnt say 꺼져 and that the staff made a mistake with the subtitles. ASSUMED. and yall believed without question.
i cant know why these people came to assume that he didnt say it. but if some of you have the mindset that idols arent allowed to swear- or that idols dont swear at all- then i have a problem with that too.
we dont know whether he said it or not. that is a fact. this has happened before with videos that had overlapping audios or had mics not quite catch the voice. but someone assumed and all of you believed and started sending emails to the lable based. on. an. ASSUMTION.
i know that you didnt have:
actual video clips (until later on)
clear context of the word itself
reliable sources of information as the first tweet to make the mess start up was made by a solo stan.

and yet?? you still believed.
now that is what we like to call herd behaviour. you lot are a herd of sheep.
i do not claim that he did say it, nor do i claim he didnt. i say we dont know whether he did or not and that we shouldnt assume. and i DEMAND smarter behaviour from the lot of you especially in this important time.
now go stream.🐏
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