Gonna make a Great Lakes tier list if anyone is interested
Number 5 : Bottom Tier Lake...... Michigan.

- only in America, not on a border like its friends
- looks like a flaccid dong
Number 4 : Still Bottom Tier........ Superior

+ funky shape
- very aggressive name
- touches Minnesota, ew
Number 3 : Mid Tier ........ Ontario

+/- lots industry and a cities
- water is gross in alot of places
+ best bros with Lake Erie, connected by Water Falls
Number 2: High Tier...... Huron

+ thicc mans
+ filled with Islands
+ rad shape
+/- i've never been but I've heard its nice
Number 1 : God Tier...... Erie

+ fun name
+ small boy
+ shallow king
- touches Cleveland and Toledo, ew
+ southern most lake
- gross beaches
+/- touches Detroit
+ bros with Lake Ontario but way better
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