In its concussion settlement, NFL uses a race-based scale to calculate scores on the neurocognitive exam that is more likely to deny Black players’ dementia claims. In other words, the algorithm assumes Black people’s brains naturally function more poorly.
THREAD. The NFL appealed the concussion settlement award owed to Najeh Davenport on grounds he was ineligible for compensation when his score on a neurocognitive exam was recalculated using the special scale for Black players. 1/4
The manual used by doctors who test players’ cognitive abilities applies a routine race adjustment to the scores. NFL says the settlement “always contemplated the use of recognized statistical techniques to account for demographic differences such as age, education and race.” 2/4
Race “correction” in medicine routinely discriminates. eGFR adjustment systematically disqualifies Black patients for kidney transplants. Asbestos companies sought to lower damage awards to Black workers based on race correction in spirometer measurements for lung function. 3/4
How is it deemed unconstitutional to take account of race as a political group to correct for past and persistent structural racism but legal to use false biological concepts of race to deny benefits to the same politically disadvantaged people? 4/4
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