The econ fiction the R's are telling is based on these falsehoods:
--Trump inherited an awful economy and fixed it;
--He didn't bungle the virus (what virus??) so pay no attention to what's actually happening in the economy, outside of the stock market, of course.
In fact, the vast majority of pre-pandemic trends occurred under Obama-Biden, as this first figure shows. They inherited a recession & turned it around. Trump inherited a recovery &, unable to manage the virus, snuffed it out.
These next figures show the part the Rs want to deny: the big holes remaining in key variables. Re jobs, they only want to talk abt the 9 mil added since May, not the 22 million lost and the 13 million hole remaining. The labor market still clearly in recessionary territory.
Even assuming a big bounce back in Q3 GDP--I've penciled in 20% ann rate--the GDP hole would be $1.4 trillion, or -$11K/household.
Same big holes in the unemployment rate, shown here for Blacks and All. Note that the initial shock was similar for both groups but that the gains since have been lower for Blacks, suggesting the need for targeted assistance.
A better measure of labor market conditions facing Black workers is their 25-54 employment rate. They lost a decade of progress in two months, and they've made back almost nothing. Keep this in mind when Rs are going on about how great persons of color have done on their watch.
Again, none of figures show any break or acceleration when Trump took over. The **true** economic story is thus simple: Trump rode the trends he inherited until he hit a real challenge which he totally blew, for which the most vulnerable among us are paying the highest price.
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