you know what? after watch them perform on odg, i have different perspective for boy...
we knew that boy is a song about a boy who fall in love with a girl.. but, now i feel like boy can be interpreted for encouragement(?) 🤔🤔
see how the girl got nervous because she's a young athlete, and treasure were there to give the encouragement..
"please open your heart", so you dont need to feel nervous and tell others about how you feel.. dont keep it to yourself alone
"you're like beautiful danger"
yes, she's pretty but also deadly(?).. she's sacrificing her youth to reach her dream.. she choose her path knowing that she cant be like other girls, but never give up and still focus on her dream.. she cant be beaten for it
"you're so different"
she is really different from other girls because she practice everyday to reach her dream :")) she cant play with/like other girls and friends because of it
"you're so special treasure"
she is a treasure indeed :"))) sacrificing her youth to become an athlete, she'll success and got pay from all her hardwork.. lot of people and her country will support and happy for her ><
"i just wanna be your boy"
instead of boyfriend, i feel like they want to be her anchors.. always there for her to support and give lot of advices until she reach her dream 🥺🥺🥺 @treasuremembers
this is what i mean for "please open up your heart" part 😅😅😅
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