Spirituality is journeying within your awareness of the essence of life itcellf! Practicing spirituality, you’re not asked to be or do anything other than who you truly are. There’s no mantra you have to say, no hand position you have to make or any objects you have to possess👇🏾
Anything you do mindfully, giving your wholecellf + your whole attention(innerg) to it while staying present in the moment, is a form of spiritual practice ✨Mindful walking, quality time w your family + friends, being in the flow of nature, doing a hobby, even👇🏾
mindful dishwashing 😂🚶🏾🎨🧼... are all forms of spiritual practice!



🤍💫🌞Spirituality is what you make it. You don’t need any guru or leader to tell you what to do. You’re your own guru, start trusting the inner you❤
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