1. For months, many of us have voiced concerns about the potential for an escalation in violence. Mobs have been allowed to run roughshod over everyday Americans- their looting, violence, and mayhem ignored, or at times even encouraged, by the media and our political elites...
2. Violence and destruction are immediate dangers, the loss of trust and confidence in government leaders and the breakdown of the Rule of Law are long-term. When regular Americans- many of whom are armed to the teeth- can’t trust that they will be protected from these mobs...
3. That’s when things escalate, as they did in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last night. I suspect that we will see more of these scenes- mostly on Twitter- and that our legacy press with continue to either ignore/bury them, or attempt to vilify those who successfully stand up to the mob..
4. Our political class is largely incapable or unwilling to intervene here. At the moment, the risks of intervention outweigh the benefits, and their reticence to act decisively can be partially explained by the stranglehold bad publicity has on our political process...
5. Targeted by mobs and abandoned by their leaders, the center will not hold... eventually everyday Americans will act to protect themselves, and when they do, we are guaranteed to see bloody scenes like the one in Kenosha...
6. Because such incidents are being repressed by legacy media institutions, when they finally break into the national consciousness, they will shock and terrify. And atthat point we will see unexpected political shifts... this is exactly what our compromised press fears the most.
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