Not complaining against pre-recorded online lessons cuz’ at least it’s accessibility is time-flexible, ergo showing consideration with individual convenience (including instructors’). I just hope exams could be too...
Internet strengths fluctuate depending on the time of the day

(e.g. our globe wifi having extremely weak signal during daytime but improves after 12am).
Flexible exam hours mitigate students’ worries regarding internet loss or slow connection whilst taking an exam since they took it in a time that they know will have the least probability of occuring.
Idk. Just a thought— of how we could make life a lil’ easier for people in these trying times. The pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg, underneath it still hides stacks of different burdens carried by different persons.

I hope we find the way to help one another.
P.S. this thread may mostly, if not only, be relatable to students among small probinsyas (bukid) wherein internet connection is garbage. Henceforth, fk🖕🏽globe.
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