I don't much tweet about books I don't like, trying instead to focus on ones I do.

But I'll say this: I'm really fucking tired of children's anthologies that "celebrate girl power!!!!!!" with 80% white girls. It's intentional and it's gross and it's tired.
I typically shop at my local indie, and I'm spoiled off that bubble. Because I went into B&N for the first time in a long time and was aghast at the sheer volume of whiteness in the children's section.

We STILL need diverse books. A few recent bestsellers is not enough.
And re: anthologies: they always put a story with a Black or Brown girl *first.* Whether that's
1) so a parent looking for diversity cracks it open and thinks, "okay cool"
2) as the publisher: "whew got that out of the way! ON TO THE WHITE"

...either way it's a trick
All I can say about these anthologies is that I don't buy them for my daughter and I don't recommend you buy them for your kids either. This version of "diversity" is white supremacy, full stop.
Anyway, it's not often that my rants overlap with a rave, but all of this is why I'm so excited about #BookmarksNetflix. We don't do many screens with our daughter, but we *will* be doing this. https://twitter.com/iammarleydias/status/1298294015067127808?s=20
(Also, I gotta say that so much of what is good, we owe to @levarburton. Grateful for you, sir.)
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