Deserving front line workers have blue ribbons, nurses & doctors had pots & pans, pictures of rainbows could be found all around our communities to spread joy, inspirational messages of hope were written on rocks & sidewalks - Now it’s time to support those working in Education.
As an educator in Ontario, I can tell you, my biggest concern is the lack of support & respect from our government. We are being painted as villains by @Sflecce & @fordnation & it’s doing a number on all our hearts & minds. We need to know you see us, hear us & understand that
We are doing EVERYTHING we can to make this transition back to school as seamless as possible (with little to no guidance from the ministry). I know that our creativity will come through, but also knowing & seeing you have our back will give us even more strength to power through
On the first day of school, we need you. We need parents & our communities to be with us on the sidelines. We’re asking that you put a red heart❤️in your window, on your doors or on your car. Visually & publicly show your education community that you know how much heart goes into
Their jobs & that you understand & support the work education workers do. Please retweet this thread as much as possible. If 🇨🇦can rally & rightfully show support with one of the most Canadian symbols ever, a hockey stick, we can also show a♥️to support those working in education
Thank-you for your passion to see this through 🙏🏼 Sending love, light & positivity to everyone - even those that disagree. We need to continue to be Canadian, be kind, and rally together. #onpoli #onted #BackToSchool2020 #SupportEducationWorkers #ShowYour♥️
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