The fact that in 2020 an institution like the Whitney Museum who is a gatekeeper in the art world is making missteps like this is unacceptable.
This is just proof that we need:

1. More black-owned art institutions.

2. More black peoples in higher curatorial positions in existing museums.
We just almost viewed the colonization of the charity print sale. Also lowkey the death of the charity print sale. No artist ever is going to participate in one again because of what the Whitney did. It was already hard enough to come together. Ughh
Also I believe they were banking on us not valuing our art enough to ask for what it’s truly worth. I think they believed we’d be happy that an institution like The Whitney was paying attention. It’s like no FUCK YOU. PAY BLACK ARTISTS! Keep your membership
I also wish more black entrepreneurs would invest money into the expansion of black museums instead of buying one black artist million dollar painting once a year. There is no longevity in that for our community. But these are just my dreams
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