Mary Wollstonecraft published A Vindication if the Rights of Women in 1792
The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan was as written in 1405 and is considered by Simone de Beauvoir as the first writing to denounce misogyny
Moderata Fonte wrote On The Merit of Women (published posthumously in 1600) which criticized the treatment of women by men while celebrating women’s virtues and intelligence
Juana Inés de la Cruz was a Mexican (lived in Mexico City in New Spain) writer and nun in the 17th century. Her criticism of misogyny and the hypocrisy of men led to her condemnation by the Bishop of Puebla
Marie de Gournay wrote The Equality of Men and Women in 1622
Abigail Adams is considered an early American feminist. She often discussed the need for women’s political power. She famously wrote “Remember the ladies” in a letter to her husband urging him to include women in voting in the constitution
Olympe de Gouges wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women in 1791 before being beheaded in the French Revolution in 1793
Laura Cereta objected to the abuses of married women by their husbands and argued for women’s education in the 15th century
In the 17th century Margaret Cavendish talked about women's lack of power in society in Orations of Divers Sorts
**Apologies for the white western focus of this thread. I limited myself to pre 19th century feminist writing discussing societal oppression of women. I’m sure there are badass non-western examples but I sadly don’t know them. Please add if you do!
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