Bored in this meeting. Thread of would you rather Questions. Interact guys and please RT 🥺🤲🏾
Would you rather lose the ability to read or to speak?
Would you rather get drunk from one drink or never get drunk no matter how much you drink?
Would you rather sing everything you say or speak every thought you think?
Would you rather know everything and be miserable or know nothing and be happy?
Would you rather have no eyebrows or just one eyebrow?
Would you rather be feared or loved by all?
Would you rather have a weird looking smile or a weird sounding laugh?
Would you rather accidentally send nudes to your boss or to your mom?
Would you rather follow me or just follow me cause I mean why not?
Would you rather date a sex addict or someone with a low sex drive?
Would you rather know when your parents are having sex or have your parents know when you’re having sex?
Would you rather bath a dead body or sleep beside a dead body?
Would you rather find blood in the bathtub or turn on the shower and have blood pour out?
Would you rather have baby vomit on you or vomit on a baby?
Would you rather be buried alive or be thrown into an evil forest?
Would you rather have serial killers as parents or have your child be a serial killer?
Would you rather poop your pants or use a dirty toilet to poop?
Would you rather date someone you love or date someone who loves you?
Would you rather Be extremely underweight or extremely overweight?
Would you rather Be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent with zero sense of humor.
Follow me. You’re already here 🤲🏾🥺
Would you rather let your team lose or your babe’s team lose ?
I will follow y’all that just followed me. Jack has limited me
You can follow @IFE__AKIN.
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