It was not long ago that i revered #MotherTeresa like many of us are doing today.But the habit of reading books has taken me from one end of the integer line to the other. Is she the saint we all Think?

A #thread describing the truth about the "The Fraud She was"
In a nation where anybody can be made the father of the nation, it is not a surprise that a lady whose sole purpose was to convert the poor and the dying people taking advantage of their agony could be made a saint.Few instances that will make you realize on why she is "NO SAINT"
One Doctor Robin Fox wished to visit the Mother Teresa operation in Calcutta,he was surprised by the relief work done by Mother Teresa,hence was professionally interested in seeing the work done,so that he could write a column in the magzine "THE LANCLET"
When he visited there he was shocked to see some things.First thing he saw the number of doctors handling the patients are exponentially less than compared to the nurses,who surely have less knowledge as compared to the qualified doctors.
Then he went onto to see,that a young man who was previously diagnosed with High fever by nurses was detected with Malaria by doctors,but the time had passed !
He was already given medication regarding high fever. Every other patient immaterial of their disease or ailment was given paracetemol. He went on to ask simple question to the nurses on "Why is there is so much neglegence regarding the health care
Nurse answered him with a simple manner," it is against the ethos of Mother teresa and her ways,she doesn't believe in systematic planning,rather believes in providence(the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power)" Dr Fox was astounded to see this.
Dr Fox a man of science,as they say, failed to understand on "how protective care of god(Jesus) is going to help the dying.He wrote a critical column in his general.
Mother Teresa was completely negligent towards making real contribution to humanity and this example will surely make you realize the truth.
Mary lauden was a volunteer in Calcutta and she had once visited the "HOME OF THE DYING"
.She was excited to see the actual work that goes on there by the photos and videos that had been broadcasted on TV at that time. She wanted to learn about the lives of nurses over there.
But when she visited the HOME OF THE DYING she was shocked to see the sight
.All the patients had shaved heads,including women,no chairs anywhere,just stretcher beds. It was like a world war zone she describes.
There were no gardens no trees around as shown on TV or wrote in journals.
All the patients immaterial of their disease were treated equally.They were not allowed to go out nor allowed to talk with anyone. The needles used for one patient were being used for another patient and that too without sterelising
She asked the question on why is this happening ?
Again the same answer,"mother teresa did not believe in materialistic ways of treatement rather she believed in providence"
One more incident, a 15 year old boy was brought in the house of dying
Mary gould was still there when this incident took place. The boy was brought in for a simple reason of something related to Kidney. But because of the lack of medical care the problem had gotten worse
He was getting sick day by day.The treatement was not changing and she was worried. She asked the nurse that they should call a cab and take him to the nearby hospital,but the nurse answered in a very cold manner and said "if we do it for him,we will have to do it for others too"
According to her "the suffering is a gift given by the christ to us to attain the salvation, and the ailments we are suffering is because he is making us repent for the sins we have committed,so we should accept this and enjoy the pain of suffering to reach the christ"
But the hypocritical part being Mother Teresa always went to multi starrer hospitals to cure her ailments with all the required amenities and personal care.
One incident that really got on my nerves was, a man was dying of cancer and....
and when he asked mother teresa about when will he be cured,she answered him" You are suffering like christ on the cross,so jesus must be kissing you", the man yelled at her,with tears in his eyes"then please tell the jesus to stop kissing me"
There are "N" number of instances that will prove that she was not a saint but a fanatic christian whose sole purpose was conversion of those who are in dire need. She perfectly targeted the illiterate masses of our nation and made them the victims of her larger than life image.
Who fell prey to her image like a saint,sadly, in our nation, we make hero or saint out of the men/women who were actually anti-heroes while we paint the actual social reformers as villians.
Mother Teresa was no saint and these examples are enough to break the shackles of her saint hood.

This is my tribute to the "NO SAINT MOTHER TERESA" on the occasion of her birth anniversary!
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